The EarthStar (chapter 5)


Order of the Orbs

(Part 1 of  3-part novella)   

by Michael Mitchell Maxim

Chapt 1_ The Hidden Earth Prophecy

Chapt 2______Six Becomes Seven

Chapt 3________the QUAD– 4144

Chapt 4__________ Thunder Balls


Chapter 5

Max’s mind was fully focused.  He was only slightly aware that he was standing on the stage.  His mind was focused on those souls seated in the theater.  Their intense gaze told him that they were following every fact being presented.  And Max knew these were the first two dozen to see and understand the Earthstar Prophecy.  A fleeting thought passed through his mind.  Twenty four elders were described by John in the Revelation vision.  Those two dozen knew and understood as well.  Max’s mind was relentlessly perceiving patterns and parallels.  Max continued:

     Returning to Genesis chapter 37 where we find the account of Joseph’s prophetic dream of the eleven stars, we again note that by extension of the symbolism in his dream, Joseph is represented by the unseen twelfth star… planet Earth.  In his dream Joseph is standing on the Earth looking into the heavens.  But Joseph only sees eleven stars in his dream even though there are twelve sons of Jacob.  The only “star” that Joseph would not see is the star he is standing on– the “moving star” called planet Earth.  The Earthstar.

Max pressed the remote and advanced the screen overhead to the next image displaying planet Earth.


     Earth and all of the other planets of our solar system, including the dwarf planets, can be regarded as “moving” stars. Because the only lights in the evening sky that truly move through the heavens are the stars we know to be planets of our solar system.  All of the other myriad of stars are so distant from planet Earth they do not appear to move.  They are fixed in their positions, one star relative to another, just as the markings of wall paper in a room are fixed to the wall and do not move.

     One can stand in a room and turn round about to create the illusion that the markings on the wall are moving, but in reality the wall paper is fixed.  The wall paper is simply a non-moving background to all of the other objects in the room.  In like fashion all of the stars of the evening sky are fixed as a background.  Only the 12 planets of our solar system that exist in close proximity to planet Earth can be seen over days and weeks and months to move across the evening sky.  These are the “moving” stars.  These are the eleven stars depicted in Joseph’s dream.  Earth, one of the thirteen moving stars in our solar system, is the unseen star in Joseph’s dream– the star upon which Joseph was standing as he gazed into the heavens.  Planet Earth symbolizes Joseph.  And Joseph’s eleven brothers are symbolized by the eleven stars Joseph saw in his dream which correspond to eleven planets in or solar system that are visible in the evening sky.  Six only visible by telescope.  Joseph’s sister Dinah, as a female, was not depicted in his dream; the dream only included eleven stars that would represent Joseph’s male siblings, his brothers.  But God did indeed create the dwarf planet Ceres and position it perfectly in our solar system as a dwarf planet to symbolize Joseph’s sister Dinah, the only female child of Jacob.

     It is obvious from reading the verses of Genesis 37 that Jacob, Joseph’s father, interpreted the sun and moon in Joseph’s dream to represent himself and his wife Rachel.  We see this in verse 10.  The sun symbolizes Jacob, Joseph’s father.  The moon symbolizes Rachel, Joseph’s mother.  Thus, as we see all of the 13 planets, including Earth, circling the sun, it is obvious that the symbolism in Joseph’s dream is intended to demonstrate that the patriarch Jacob, symbolized by the sun, is the central focus of all of his children who are symbolized by the 13 planets that circle the sun.  All thirteen of Jacob’s children center their lives around him just as all thirteen of our planets are centered in their orbits around the sun.

     In like parallel, as Joseph is a prophetic fore-type of Jesus Christ, it follows that planet Earth by extension not only symbolizes Joseph, it symbolizes Jesus Christ as well.  And whereas the sun in Joseph’s dream symbolizes his father, Jacob, the sun by extension also symbolizes Jesus’ Father in heaven.  As Earth and the other planets center their orbits around the sun, so likewise Jesus the Firstborn and His apostolic brothers centered their lives around their Heavenly Father.  And all other spiritual brothers and sisters of Christ are to follow this same pattern.  We see this fact evident in the model prayer where Jesus instructed His disciples to pray after this fashion– “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…” Jesus instructed all of His spiritual brothers and sisters to focus their attention on the Heavenly Father.  To center their lives around Him.

Max proceeded from the sun straight to the moon.

     As Jacob is symbolized by the sun in Joseph’s dream, Rachel is symbolized by the moon.  Now notice that the moon orbits planet Earth. The moon has no like association with any of the other planets.  And we have already established that the Earth symbolizes Joseph.  The gravitational relationship between planet Earth and the moon symbolizes the exclusive relationship between Joseph and his mother, Rachel.

     All thirteen of the planets in our solar system have a gravitational bond with the sun.  They orbit the sun.  But only planet Earth has a gravitational bond with the moon.  In parallel, all thirteen of Jacob’s children have relationships that are centered around Jacob. But only Joseph has a maternal bond with Rachel.  Rachel’s relationship with Joseph is exclusive.  It is true that Rachel bore a second son, Benjamin.  But Rachel never developed a relationship with him.  Because Rachel died giving birth to Benjamin (Genesis 35:18).  So the orbital relationship between the Earth and the moon exactly parallels the exclusive relationship between Joseph and his mother Rachel.  As well, this exclusive bond between the Earth and the moon would also symbolize the relationship between Jesus Christ and the Old Testament Church in the Wilderness which gave birth to Him. (Revelation 12:4, 12:13).

Max displayed his final image.  The moon hovering over the Earth.


     Now notice this one aspect of the Earth-moon relationship.  The moon completes one rotation on its axis in the exact same time that it completes one revolution around the Earth.  That’s called synchronous rotation.  Thusly, the same side of the moon always faces the Earth.  The back side of the moon never turns to face the Earth and therefore is never seen by humans on Earth.  As the moon circles the Earth she constantly turns her face toward the Earth and never looks away.  She circles and watches the Earth from every side.  In parallel, there is no doubt that Rachel, having been barren for so many years, greatly adored her firstborn son, Joseph.  There is no question that he became the focus of her life.  She surely never turned her gaze away from him.  And in parallel, the church in the wilderness that gave birth to Jesus Christ was always looking for the Messiah, never turning away from looking for the prophesied Firstborn Son of God; just as Rachel never gave up her hope of bearing a son.

     Joseph’s dream of the sun, moon, and eleven stars was given to him to foretell that he would become ruler of all Egypt under Pharaoh, and some 22 years into the future all of Joseph’s family would migrate to Egypt and come under his rule.  But at the same time Joseph, who became the savior who saved Egypt from the great famine, was a prophetic fore figure of our Savior Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah who would save all humanity.  And correspondingly Joseph’s prophetic dream was given to foretell the coming of this Savior, Jesus, who will in time become ruler over all God’s Kingdom on Earth, just as Joseph became ruler over all Egypt.  And Jesus, with His resurrected apostles, will eventually lead all of the resurrected saints to reign over the Heavenly Father’s Kingdom for a thousand years; just as Joseph shared his rulership in Egypt with his brothers who came and worked for Pharaoh.  We see this recorded in Revelation chapter 20.

Max then began asking a series of questions.

     Is it just coincidence that the design of our solar system with thirteen planets orbiting our sun and a single moon orbiting this Earth, for perhaps millions of years, is a perfect parallel to the thirteen children and two parents who would eventually become the center of God’s focus during the reign of Pharaohs?

     And is it just chance that this pattern seen in Joseph’s celestial dream would perfectly parallel that of a future Messiah who would appear two thousand years into the future to live a life of persecution as did Joseph, qualifying to rule a future kingdom and becoming the savior of that kingdom?

     Is it just chance that that Messiah would invite eleven young men to serve Him in ruling over His Father’s kingdom just as Joseph invited his eleven brothers to serve him in ruling over Pharaoh’s kingdom?

     And is it just chance that this pattern of 11 + 1 is the exact pattern that was left behind when that Messiah ascended to be with His Father, leaving Peter, the petros, to lead the other eleven apostles in establishing the Church on earth until that Messiah should return some two thousand years later to rule with them over His Father’s Kingdom?

     Is it? Just chance?

     Before the first line of scripture was recorded by Moses, and even before the first man Adam was fashioned from the dust of the Earth, was man’s future and God’s great master plan already foretold, being written in the stars?

     Did God lay out the stars to declare the end from the beginning?

     Isaac Newton was looking for a key that would unlock the meaning of Bible prophecies.  In the year 2006 the understanding of that key became available to humans for the first time.  That numeric key is 4144, the pattern of 13 planetary orbits in our solar system and the corresponding grouping of Jacob’s 13 children as recorded in Genesis.

     Four. One. Four. Four.

Max knew the 4144 key unlocked the door to understanding a never before seen Bible truth.  A hidden prophecy.  That planet Earth has an amazing future.  That planet Earth is the Earthstar.

Ka check.  Watcher had been standing by waiting for Tape 2 to end.  He had set the display board to Automatic Ejection at end of play.  Once again Max froze.  The unseen who stood watching Max on the 3D display silently blinked and refocused on Watcher as time stood still.

While dusting the crumbs from his curvature, Watcher dismissed the unseen for the day and promised to resume first thing in the morning. (Presumably absent any sling demonstration.)  He also gave them a foretaste of the morrow’s bakeries.

     So now you know the true meaning of Joseph’s special dream of the sun, moon, and 11 stars.  A dream revealing that God’s master plan for saving mankind was written in the stars before the first human was even created.  A dream that reveals God chose this one special family to become the center for His plan of salvation for all men.  A plan in which this special family would become the family tree into which all men will be grafted.  The family of God.

     All of this meaning was rolled up by YHWH and hidden within one scripture describing the sun, the moon, and eleven stars.  Genesis 37:9.  But there is another.  A twin.  An additional scripture which reveals even more of the amazing future for planet Earth.  And this scripture also comes from the story of Joseph.  Do you know which one? 

Watcher paused.  And waited.  But all was golden.  Silence.  Just then another crumb dropped from his thoughts and rolled off his lower lip.  It was not a Hollywood film, but a Broadway play.  This crumb would be his clue to the unseen.  They waited with bated breath for the crumb that would reveal a second mystery heretofore unseen.  All of the unseen had seen the play.  But none knew its hidden mystery.  Watcher’s crumb was a clue of six words.

     Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

     Do you know the scripture that’s wrapped in a riddle, and reveals the marvelous future of planet Earth?

End Part 1

Copyright 2019 / All rights reserved

Thunder Balls (chapter 4)


Order of the Orbs

(Part 1 of  3-part novella)   

by Michael Mitchell Maxim

Chapt 1_ The Hidden Earth Prophecy

Chapt 2______Six Becomes Seven

Chapt 3________the QUAD– 4144


Chapter 4

Max clicked his remote and displayed a new image on the screen overhead. In it was the dwarf planet Ceres, and the two super-giants of Jupiter and Saturn. Above the image were two words.  Thunder Balls.

Thunder Balls



     It is interesting to observe that our tiny dwarf planet Ceres is overshadowed by the two gas super-giants of Jupiter and Saturn that orbit adjacent to Ceres.  They appear as two giant eyes watching over tiny Ceres.  And that brings us back to Dinah.  Bible students will remember the story.  In Genesis chapter 34 we read the account of how Dinah was raped by Shechem the Canaanite.  And how Simeon and Levi, Dinah’s brothers who were also sons of Leah, avenged her defilement by slaying all the men of the entire Canaanite village.  And apparently these two brothers executed this vengeance single-handedly.

     When he found out that his sons being filled with rage had slaughtered the nearby Canaanites, Jacob was greatly distressed.  These two brothers were both impetuous and extremely bold.  They fiercely stood watch over their sister, Dinah.  It is interesting to note that planet Jupiter is named for the Roman mythological god of thunder– a god known to throw bolts of lightning in fits of rage.  Jupiter and Saturn as the two gas giants in our solar system, orbiting next to tiny Ceres, would appear to provide perfect symbolism for Dinah’s brash brothers of Simeon and Levi, her bold and impetuous avengers and next of kin.  Simeon and Levi were truly Thunder Balls.

Just then a thought crossed Max’s mind.  Something from a movie.  He jammed his foot down and came to a complete halt.  A light fog of dust drifted in the air.  He turned the key and paused for a moment.  He almost immediately noticed that the theater was silent.  Every face was intently focused on the speaker.  No ringtones had interrupted, and no one was scrolling through apps.  He stood in silence as he thought about his audience.  They just gazed at him.  Waiting for more.

So Max turned the key again to fire the engine.  And stomped the accelerator.  Rocks, gravel, and thick dust flew violently as he fishtailed forward.  “Screw it. I guess they’re along for the ride.”  In his mind Max heard the roar of the engine and the shifting of gears.  And felt the g-force pulling him back.  He made only a flash whip of his head with a glance from the corner of his eye to see who was still with him.  It was the whole gang.  They were all hanging on for dear life.  Truth is not for the meek.  Max then thought about the years of getting to this point.  All of his research that defied the experts.  “Maybe I’m not Mad after all.”  Then in a blink he was back on stage.  Under the thunder.

     In the New Testament we find a parallel to the twelve sons of Jacob recorded in the Old Testament.  This parallel is the twelve apostles selected by Jesus.  But we know that one of these twelve, Judas, was a traitor known by Jesus from the very beginning.  And this Judas was never truly of the twelve.  If you choose you can look that up later.

Max posted a graphic listing three Bible verses on screen.

II Timothy 2:19

John 6:64

I John 2:19

     So during Jesus’ ministry there were only eleven true disciples who would become apostles; and these apostles were the first of His spiritual brethren.  But Jesus himself is described in scripture as being an “apostle.”  It thereby follows that as Joseph was a prophetic fore-type of Jesus, in like fashion Joseph and his eleven brothers are prophetic fore-types of Jesus and his eleven apostles.  Twelve apostles. Including Jesus.  And twelve brothers.  Including Joseph.  Magnifying this parallel, we have the record where Jesus stated that His apostles would be assigned leadership of the twelve tribes of Israel in God’s kingdom, just as Joseph and his brothers became founders and leaders of the twelve tribes in ancient Judea.

Max read the scripture to the watchers:

So Jesus said to them, “Assuredly I say to you, that in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

(Matthew 19:28 NKJV)

     Additionally, Joseph was not just one man among eleven friends or associates, but rather one brother among eleven other brothers.  And such is the association between Jesus and the eleven disciples.  Jesus became the Firstborn among many brethren.  Jesus’ eleven disciples became the first of His spiritual brothers when they received the Holy Spirit made possible by His sacrifice.  Jesus was one brother among eleven other brothers, just as Joseph was one brother among eleven other brothers.

Max once again used his remote to project a new image on the screen overhead. Above the image were the words PAIRED PLANETS.

     Understanding this fact that Joseph and his eleven brothers prophetically parallel Jesus and His eleven apostles, we can make another observation regarding our 13 planets.  Observe in the graphic image overhead that the eight true planets of our solar system are grouped into four pairs.  This has become a common practice in graphical depictions demonstrating comparative size of our planets.

Paired Planets


Jupiter – Saturn

Uranus – Neptune

Earth – Venus

Mercury – Mars


     As you see, Jupiter is paired with Saturn.  Uranus is paired with Neptune.  Earth is matched with Venus.  And Mercury is matched with Mars.  Now notice a parallel to this pairing of the planets.  Our New Testament record of Jesus’ ministry on earth provides for us some of the details of His selection of the men who would become His apostles.  It appears He selected all of His disciples in pairs, either as brothers, or as close friends.  Peter and Andrew were called as brothers.  As were James and John.  Then shortly after His selection of the twelve, Jesus began to send these young men out, two-by-two, to preach the gospel.  Matthew chapter 10 lists these apostles-to-be as six pairs: Peter and Andrew, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew, James and Lebbaeus, Simon and Judas.  The twelve are also listed as six pairs in Luke chapter 6.  So just as the planets that symbolized Jacob’s sons have come to be matched in pairs, in exact parallel the disciples who became apostles are also depicted in matched pairs.  The planets of our solar system were created by the Creator to be prophetic symbols of both Joseph and his brothers in ancient Egypt, and ultimately Jesus and His apostles ruling the Kingdom of God.

Once again Max’s speech was paused by thoughts that came flooding into his mind.  He saw a pair of dice rolling in slow motion and settling on two twos.  And immediately he felt an impetus to add a comment to his presentation though he had no graphic to display on the screen.

     It is interesting to note that a pair of dice will produce six matched pairs.  Double-one through double-six.  For a total of twelve.  Twelve paired brothers.

This is how Max had acquired all of the key information he was presenting to his audience.  It just came to him through inspiration, rolling into his mind.  Roll after roll.  But Max knew it was not a game.  And it wasn’t chance.  He knew it was divine inspiration.

     Now regarding these twelve disciples who became the twelve apostles, focus your attention on the second pair, the two brothers of James and John, the sons of Zebedee.  Jesus named these two young men “Boanerges.”  Which means “sons of thunder.”  From this naming it appears that James and John were very bold of nature.  And we see this boldness manifested in the biblical record where James and John approach Jesus with an almost unbelievable request.

Max displayed the scripture overhead and began reading.

Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to Him, saying, “Teacher, we want You to do for us whatever we ask.”  And He said to them, “What do you want Me to do for you?”  They said to Him, “Grant us that we may sit, one on Your right hand and the other on Your left, in Your glory.”

(Mark 10:35-37  NKJV)

     This is an extremely bold request.  In fact it was so bold that it very much angered the ten other disciples under Jesus’ tutelage who were appalled that James and John would seek to be granted the two highest positions in Jesus’ government over His Father’s Kingdom.

     Exploring further, we find a second event where James and John were equally as bold in asking their Master a question.  It is in the book of Luke.

Max displayed the scripture overhead and began reading:

Now it came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem, and sent messengers before His face. And as they went, they entered a village of the Samaritans, to prepare for Him. But they did not receive Him, because His face was set for the journey to Jerusalem. And when His disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?”

(Luke 9:51-54 NKJV)

     Once again we see dramatically bold behavior coming from the sons of thunder who desired to command fire down from heaven.  Like bolts of lightning.



     In light of this passage it is interesting to note that Saturn is the only planet other than Earth where enormous lightning storms have been observed by scientists.  This was recorded in photos taken by the Cassini space probe in April of 2010.  So as we’ve previously seen, planet Jupiter is named for the god of thunder; and on planet Saturn we see bolts of lightning.  These two planets would appear not only to parallel Jacob’s sons of Simeon and Levi, but also to be a perfect parallel for James and John, the two apostles Jesus named Boanerges– sons of thunder.

     Contemplating these sons of thunder, we might ask the question– Is there any indication in scripture which one of these two planets might represent James, and which one John? Well there is.  At least possibly. When we look at the thirteen planets we see quite visibly that there is one planet that truly stands separate from the rest. The planet Saturn.  Only Saturn is encircled with a brilliant crown of rings.  And when we look at the life of the apostles there is likewise one apostle who stands separate from the rest.  The apostle John.

     John’s brother James was the first of the apostles to be martyred.  We find that in Acts 12:2.  But in contrast John himself was the last of the apostles to die.  No exact date is known for John’s death but it is commonly estimated that he lived some 40 years beyond the death of the other apostles.  There is also a widely believed Christian tradition that John was the youngest of Jesus’ 12 disciples.  Yet John’s long life eventually made him the oldest apostle when he was laid to rest in Ephesus.  This extraordinary length of life gives John a unique place in church history.  For it is John who wrote the book of Revelation and finalized the canon of scripture around the close of the first century.  So why was John afforded this extra length of life that the other apostles were not?  The answer might be found in John’s first writing… the Gospel of John.  In this book John describes a disciple of Jesus who Jesus befriended differently than the others.  Five times John describes this young man as the “disciple whom Jesus loved.”

Max displayed five verses on the screen overhead. John 13:23, John 19:26, John 20:2, John 21:7, John 21:20. And John 21:24. Then he continued.

     John then clarifies that these accounts of the “beloved” disciple are actually references to himself, the author of the book of John.  John was the disciple whom Jesus loved.  This unique relationship with Jesus the Messiah may be why John was afforded such a longer life than the other apostles.  And it may be that this endearing and unique relationship with Jesus was prophesied many millennia ago when a crown of rings was placed on the planet Saturn.  So as the planets Jupiter and Saturn are a perfect parallel to the brothers of James and John whom Jesus named Boanerges, it certainly may be that John’s special relationship with Jesus is symbolized by Saturn’s unique crown of rings.  As the disciple whom Jesus loved, John was unique among the other apostles.  In like fashion Saturn with its rings is unique among all the other planets.  So following this pattern when looking at the two sons of thunder, John would be symbolized by Saturn and James would be symbolized by Jupiter.

     Having made this observation, it becomes all the more interesting to notice that in ancient Egypt Joseph had a unique and special relationship with one of his eleven brothers as well. It was the youngest of his brothers– Benjamin.  Benjamin was Joseph’s only full brother, being born to Rachel.  And being the youngest of the 12 sons of Jacob, Benjamin held a special place in Joseph’s heart, just as John, the youngest of the disciples, held a special place in Jesus’ heart.

     Bible fact is stranger than fiction. James and John, the “sons of thunder,” like Simeon and Levi of old, are well symbolized by the two super giants of Jupiter and Saturn– the true planetary sons of thunder in our solar system.

Copyright 2019 / All rights reserved

the QUAD– 4144 (chapter 3)

Order of the Orbs

(Part 1 of 3-part novella)   

by Michael Mitchell Maxim


Chapter 3

Max again clicked his remote and a new image appeared on the screen.  The image demonstrated how our 13 planets are arranged in the 4144 pattern.



Max then added a curious fact that was seemingly disconnected.

     For those of you who are Bible students, notice Joseph’s dream recorded in Genesis 37:9-

Then he dreamed still another dream and told it to his brothers, and said, “Look, I have dreamed another dream. And this time, the sun, the moon, and the eleven stars bowed down to me.”

     Joseph mentions 11 stars bowing down to him. And clearly, these eleven stars are intended to symbolize Joseph’s eleven brothers.  Who would in time bow before him in the land of Egypt.  This information leads us to ask a question.  If Joseph’s 11 brothers were symbolized by 11 stars, then is it logical to deduce that Joseph himself, the brother to all 11, is also symbolized by a single star?  A star not mentioned in the dream.  Does this one scripture depicting 11 stars as symbols for Joseph’s 11 brothers carry within it an unstated implication?  That Joseph is symbolized by a twelfth star not seen in his dream?

     Anyone entering a quest to answer this question will invariably discover a second question– Were these simply imaginary stars?  Or do the stars appearing in Joseph’s dream represent a physical reality in our evening sky?  Could the 11 stars in Joseph’s dream actually be reflective of “real” stars appearing in our sky?  Eleven specific stars? And with them an unmentioned twelfth star?

     We know from reading the Biblical account in Genesis that Joseph’s dream was not merely the fabrication of his subconscious mind.  It was a prophetic dream.  This dream was the product of inspiration that God placed in Joseph’s mind to foretell events that would happen in his life over 22 years into the future.  A future in which Joseph would become the ruler over all Egypt under Pharaoh.  And all of Joseph’s family would migrate to Egypt and come under his rule.  His father, his mother, and eleven brothers.  The sun, the moon, and eleven stars.

     But in dual fashion this prophetic dream also foretold the coming of Jesus Christ who would appear as a Savior for all mankind, and who would later be granted rulership over all of the Heavenly Father’s Kingdom; exactly paralleling how Joseph would save Egypt from starvation and become ruler over that kingdom.

     Once again we take note that Jacob fathered 12 sons.  But additionally we note that Jacob also fathered one daughter.  Here’s the Biblical accounting of this addition:

Now Dinah the daughter of Leah, whom she had borne to Jacob, went out to see the daughters of the land. (Genesis 34:1 NKJV)

     Dinah is the sole daughter of Jacob that is included in the biblical record.  She is mentioned in eight scriptures.  The Bible account records Jacob’s children as twelve sons and one daughter.  Thirteen children total.

Max paused.  Then asked a question.

     Did you catch that?  Do you see the connection?

     In our examination of Pluto we observed that there are today eight classic planets and five dwarf planets in our solar system.  Thirteen total.  Thirteen planets recognized in our solar system today is an exact match to the thirteen children of Jacob; the very children that were symbolized by stars in Joseph’s prophetic dream nearly 4,000 years ago.

Max used his remote to display a new image on the movie screen overhead.

     Here is a graphic image of our solar system.  In this image we see the 13 planets arrayed in their orbital arrangement from that nearest the sun to the most distant– Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Makemake, Haumea, and Eris.


     On the far right of the image we see four of our five dwarf planets on the outer fringes of our solar system in the region of the Kuiper Belt and beyond.  They are Pluto, Makemake, Haumea, and Eris.  These celestial bodies do not meet the international standards required to be classified as true planets.  And their orbits extend out well beyond the inner circles of our eight classic planets.

     This observation is most intriguing.  Because this arrangement exactly parallels the children of Jacob.  As recorded in the book of Genesis, four of Jacob’s sons were born to two handmaids. Rachel’s handmaid, Bilhah, bore Dan and Naphtali. Leah’s handmaid, Zilpah, bore Gad and Asher.  These four sons were born outside of wedlock.  Only Jacob’s eight sons born to Rachel and Leah were sons born within wedlock, as Jacob only married Rachel and Leah.  Jacob never entered a marriage relationship with Bilhah, nor with Zilpah.  As a consequence the four sons of Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher were illegitimate sons and never qualified as “legal” sons under the accepted standards of their society.  The standing of these four illegitimate sons fell well outside that of the eight legal sons born to Rachel and Leah.

     And therein lies the parallel.  The four dwarf planets of Pluto, Makemake, Haumea, and Eris all fall outside the accepted standards for true planets in our solar system today; and additionally, their orbital paths fall outside the inner circles of the eight classic planets.  In exact parallel, the four sons of Jacob’s handmaids, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher, fell outside the legal standards for true sons in ancient Hebrew society, and as a consequence their legal claim to being inheritors to Jacob’s empire fell well beyond the inner circle of Jacob’s eight legal sons.

     Four illegitimate sons who do not qualify as legal sons.  And four dwarf planets that do not qualify as true planets.  The four illegitimate sons fall outside the inner circle of legal sons.  And the four dwarf planets fall outside the inner orbits of the true planets.

At this moment everyone in Max’s audience was transfixed with the information Max was revealing.  All eyes were focused on his presence.  Max again clicked the remote and displayed an artist’s graphic image of the dwarf planet Ceres.  He then continued with his presentation as those sitting in the theater watched intently.  And the unseen in showroom 2 continued watching the 3D display:



     Of the five dwarf planets in our solar system, Ceres is the one different from the others.  Unlike the other four, Ceres does not orbit in the outer extremity of the Kuiper Belt.  Ceres is the only dwarf planet in our solar system to orbit within the domain of the eight true planets.

Max clicked the remote and once again displayed the image overhead depicting all 13 planets, then continued.



     As depicted in the graphic image above, Ceres travels within the asteroid belt located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.  This alignment places Ceres’ orbit right in the middle of the eight much larger classic planets, with four closer to the sun and four further out. But surrounded by these eight classic planets, tiny Ceres is a dwarf planet and does not meet the standards necessary to join the ranks of these classic or true planets.  This becomes all the more fascinating when we notice that Ceres is a female name.  Like Dinah.

Max once again displayed the artist image of Ceres.




     Jacob’s daughter Dinah was not born to a handmaid.  She was born to Leah, Jacob’s first wife.  As such, Dinah was a legitimate descendant of Jacob and she lived her life within the orbit of Jacob’s eight legal sons.  But being a female, Dinah did not qualify for any legal inheritance from Jacob.  Under the patriarchal system of the ancient Hebrews, daughters were not legally qualified as inheritors… they were disqualified.  So again we see the parallel between Dinah and planet Ceres.  Dinah was disqualified as a legal inheritor of Jacob’s wealth and yet she lived within the circle of her eight legal brothers.  In parallel, planet Ceres was disqualified as a true planet in 1802, being reclassified as only an asteroid, and then as a dwarf planet in 2006.  Yet Ceres orbits within the region of the eight true planets with four on either side.  The life of Dinah is perfectly symbolized by the dwarf planet Ceres.

A new image of golden grain fields appeared on screen.

     It is also interesting to note that planet Ceres was named after the Roman goddess of grain/harvest/agriculture.

Again Max clicked the remote and displayed an additional image featuring the two words of “Ceres” and “cereal.”

     Notice the similarity of the name Ceres with the word “cereal”; cereal being made from grains.  As we read, scripture mentions that Dinah went out to meet the Canaanite daughters of the land.  It is likely that the daughters of the land were out harvesting grain in the neighboring fields when Dinah went forth to meet them.  Just as another Biblical heroine, Ruth, would go out to harvest grain in the fields of Boaz.

Ceres is a perfect match to Dinah.

Copyright 2019 / All rights reserved

Six Becomes Seven (chapter 2)

Order of the Orbs

(Part 1 of  3-part novella)   

by Michael Mitchell Maxim


Chapter 2

Max, the presenter, was only minimally nervous.  He had written and rehearsed a presentation, but he expected he would improvise his words from his first draft as he went along.  Though he pretty much had the words of the presentation memorized:

     We might take note at this point of a particular biblical number.  Four zero.  The number 40 is the biblical number for testing and judgment.

Max clicked the remote he used to control the image being projected onto the movie screen overhead accompanying his presentation.  An image of the number 40 filled over half of the screen.

     After spending 40 years shepherding goats in the wilderness Moses was sent back to Egypt to deliver God’s judgment to pharaoh.  Before entering the promised land, the ancient Israelites were tested throughout 40 years of wandering in the desert.  Jesus was tested by Satan after 40 days and nights of fasting beyond the river Jordan.  Forty is God’s number for testing and judgment.

     As you know, today is the year 2020.  We are exactly 40 years from Newton’s calculated year of 2060 and the final judgment.  Is Newton’s calculation of 2060 accurate?  Will there be 40 years of testing that culminates in the year 2060?  Ultimately only time will tell.  But let us notice one of Newton’s encrypted notes in which he references the 37th chapter of Genesis, verse 9. 

Max read the verse:

Then he dreamed still another dream and told it to his brothers, and said, “Look, I have dreamed another dream. And this time, the sun, the moon, and the eleven stars bowed down to me.”

     Most any Bible student will recognize this verse as describing a dream that was dreamed by Joseph, one of the twelve sons of Jacob.  And this dream incorporates the sun, the moon, and eleven stars– key elements of Newton’s great time piece, our solar system.  After reading this verse we might ask the question, “Were these eleven stars mentioned in verse 9 simply imaginary stars that Joseph’s mind fabricated in a fleeting dream?  Or were these stars in Joseph’s dream inspired by God?  And if so, were they intended by God to represent a physical reality on display in our night sky every evening? If they were, exactly which eleven of the myriad stars would they be?”

Max paused, and stepped from behind the podium for a closer connection with his audience.  He stepped forward to the edge of the stage.  His closeness and lowered voice intimated the air of secret knowledge.  Max then spoke with a soft but confident tone.

     I now know the answer to that question.  And the key to revealing the answer is four numbers– 4144.  I call it the Quad.

Max clicked his remote and a new graphic appeared on the overhead screen. It was the cover of a book.  The full cover was black, with white letters that read: The Quad.  The center of the page was a black-and-white checkerboard graphic depicting four quadrants of a square.  The top two quadrants contained the numerals 4 and 1.  The bottom two quadrants contained the numerals 4 and 4.  Underneath the graphic it read: God’s Amazing Four-in-One Prophecy Composed of 4 numbers Using 1 and 4.




     Newton’s great time piece is based upon four numbers.  And these four numbers unlock the biblical prophecies of Revelation, Genesis, Daniel, and Ezekiel.  These prophetic books are all interconnected.  4144 is Newton’s missing key.  Newton could never know this key.  He was nearly 300 years too soon.  But now it is quite clear.  This year, 2020, is the year of perfect vision.  2020 vision.  The year when eyes are opened to see.  Newton’s search ended 293 years ago at his death in 1727.  He had calculated the key date of 2060.  But as we enter his final 40-year countdown, there is another key date we must observe.  Not the year 2060.  But the year 2006.

Max had used his projector to display the numbers 2060 on the movie screen overhead.  By clicking the remote, an animation activated and the last two numbers of 6 and 0 rotated on the screen– 2060 became 2006.

     That’s the year the 4144 key was established in human history.  2006.

At that moment in Max’s presentation time froze.  Watcher had returned from hall duty and tapped the floating control screen to bring the 3D player to a halt.  He then re-engaged the unseen.

     Ok.  I’m back.  Always on call.

Watcher did a quick assessment of the 3D presentation screen and surmised that the image being displayed was too far advanced for the amount of time the tape had been playing in his absence.  He then realized his mistake.

     Oop.  Looks like I forgot to rewind that tape before I left.  You’ll need to go back to the beginning of Max’s presentation to get a complete comprehension. Letttt.  Meee.  Taake care of that.  Ok.  Here.

Watcher reset the 3D player from the floating screen and started Max’s presentation from the beginning.  The images in showroom 2 faded out and were replaced by more images of Max beginning his presentation.  At once the unseen again began watching Max.

A Shining Star 



Tape 2 began playing in 3D from the beginning in showroom two.  For the watchers it was like being there.  Max was standing at the podium on a small stage.  His first image was projected on the screen over his shoulder and showed a black background with a noticeable four-pointed star in the center.  The words A SHINING STAR displayed above the image.  As he had strode to the podium he couldn’t help but notice that there were only two dozen attendees in the audience.  But he told himself that was good.  This would be his first presentation of the evidence he had accumulated over the previous decade.  And he would need multiple iterations to refine his presentation.  Having a small audience would help him feel less out of norm.

Abruptly the 3D display in showroom 2 broke away from Max’s theater presentation.  Briefly the unseen watchers saw a scene of Max sitting alone at The 2B’s.  A local diner.  The carved wood sign out front was embellished with birds and bears– two B’s.  But the carving also depicted the flight of two bumblebees. Which engendered the mystery.  Many patrons dropped by to inquire about the two b’s.  Are the 2B’s a reference to birds and bears?  Or to two bumblebees?  Max sat silently at a table near the front glass.  A dipping bird on the table repeatedly bobbed its spherical head into a glass of water, pausing only to swallow and gaze through the front glass as if pointing with its whetted beak.  The local movie theater could be seen through the glass across the street.  The marquee overhead read–

Order of the Orbs

  7PM  Tuesday.

The 3D image in showroom 2 cut away from The 2B’s cafe and returned to Max’s presentation inside the theater across from the cafe.  The unseen continued watching.

The little movie theater where Max was speaking was the only speaking venue available in the metropolis of Truth or Consequences.  The owner had agreed that Max could use the theater for free on a week night if the attendees purchased tickets to see his presentation.  The theater had been built in the 1960s.  It was pretty… or… not so pretty, now.  But it had, over the last half century, acquired a handsome patina on the sloping concrete floor–  a sticky film of slowly aged soda syrup with the distinct smell of pickle vinegar that sometimes crackled beneath your feet.  It was the old owner’s version of “slip-and-fall” insurance.

Max cleared his throat and began his very first stage presentation–

     A Shining Star.  If there had been a gravestone, that’s how the epitaph might have read.  It was a life of 76 years that began in 1930 and ended in… 2006.  A sometimes controversial life, though highly acclaimed.  But this was not the life of a man.  Nor a woman.  This was the life of Pluto, the ninth planet in our solar system.

Max clicked his remote and an image of sepia brown flashed on the screen depicting a man attired in what appeared to be the hodgepodge styles of America’s Great Depression.  Max introduced the man in the image:

     On January 23, 1930 astronomer and re-searcher Clyde Tombaugh working at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona photographed a portion of the evening sky that contained a moving star.  Clyde then rephotographed that star six days later on January 29th.  Tombaugh’s discovery of a moving star was confirmed on February 30, 1930.  That moving star was a new planet observed within Earth’s solar system.  And on March 24th that year the name Pluto, from the mythological god of the underworld, was assigned to the discovery.

     From its “birth” in 1930 to its demise in 2006, Pluto was recognized as the ninth planet in our solar system.  And today Pluto still circles our sun as it has for thousands of years.  But Pluto is no longer classified as a true or classic planet.  Pluto is now classified as a “dwarf planet.”  On August 24, 2006 a convention of the International Astronomical Union (the IAU) was held in Prague.  The outcome of this meeting was the creation of a new set of astronomical standards for classifying entities of our solar system.  Under these new classifications a celestial object must meet three requirements to be classified as a planet.  First, it must orbit our sun.  Second, it must have a large enough gravitational field to compress itself into a spherical shape.  And third, it must have cleared the neighborhood of its orbit.  This third requirement means that over millennia the object must use its gravitational field to function much like a vacuum cleaner and pull in all smaller objects within its orbital zone.

     Pluto has not cleared the neighborhood of its orbit.  Pluto orbits our sun within the Kuiper Belt, a region on the outer reaches of the solar system where tens of thousands of objects orbit the sun.  They are mostly ice.  Collectively the objects within Pluto’s neighborhood have over 50 times the mass of Pluto.  Consequently Pluto cannot be considered to have cleared its neighborhood.

     So Pluto is now classified as a “dwarf planet,” a new classification created by the IAU at the 2006 convention.  Currently the IAU has recognized only five objects in our solar system as dwarf planets– Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, Eris, and Ceres.

Max was getting into a groove.  He wasn’t much distracted by anything, and his prepared notes flowed into his mind and across his lips unimpeded:

     Now that planet Pluto has fallen from favor, our solar system is recognized as having eight classic planets and five dwarf planets.  These are arranged in an alignment of 4144.  Four classic.  One dwarf.  Four classic.  Four dwarf.  And therein lies a mystery of God hidden in plain view.

Max paused.  Standing in silence.

     It’s a mystery that Newton could never see because he lived nearly 300 years too soon.  It’s a mystery that could only be understood after the recent demise of Pluto and the resultant revelation of the Quad– 4144.

Copyright 2019 / All rights reserved

The Hidden Earth Prophecy (chapter 1)


Order of the Orbs

(Part 1 of  3-part novella)

by Michael Mitchell Maxim


Chapter 1

Out of fear and necessity he chose not to write in the ordinary vein of black india ink. He chose instead to use his own formulated tincture of Englishpiglatin. A porcine tongue of the human variety.

The only sound in the room aside his words came from the man’s fingers scratching the heavy paper with a sharpened goose quill. And both sounds were confined.  Wrapped in the silent flicker of shadows cast upon the wall. Shadows cast by the candlelight dancing in the draft of his voice. He whispered his words without blinking, as if to conceal their presence. Completely unaware of the flickering flame. And completely unaware of the watcher.

The man spoke with hushed intensity, staring across the desk as though his dearest colleague sat mesmerized before him. But his captive audience was always the null set. No one was listening. He spoke only to himself. He paused his speech intermittently. To scribble his thoughts.

After each thought was written the man refocused his gaze on the wall and continued his lopsided conversation, leaning forward across the desk to give his words greater import:

     The first are Mars, Earth, Venus, and Mercury; in reverse order. Mercury is that closest the sun. It is the first of the first four. And the inner most wheel. The Creator Himself set all these spinning orbs in motion, as it were, wheels within wheels.

While speaking these words he had diverted his eyes to the model perched before him on the desk, and slowly pulled one of the wooden spheres with his fingertip to make it arc around its fulcrum toward him, reaching an interpersonal perigee. There he had begun pecking its surface with his blackened nail. He then lifted one of the Bible translations from the stack of books on his desk and began to flip its pages. Stopping, he repeatedly pecked his finger on the open page, then raised his gaze to the wall, and leaned forward to once again fill his words with greater import:

     The prophet Ezekiel used that term in describing God’s throne– “wheels within wheels.” And is not the Messiah prophesied to return to planet Earth to establish His throne over all the universe? Hence, would it not be logical to see the Earth as God’s throne; and our entire solar system as whirling wheels within wheels? With a fiery flame at its core. As it were, God’s chariot from which He rules. Having four wheels. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars. Each its own wheel within a wheel.

As he spoke he traced his forefinger in a circular path around the surface of Mars then continued to trace a larger circle following the path of Mars around the sun, outlining a wheel within a wheel.

     Four wheels on a galactic chariot of fire.

He extended his left arm before him with his palm turned upward and fingers forming the legs of a perch where the fireball rested. In his mind. Entirely under his control. He gazed intently at it and saw what no one else saw. Four wheels circling about. He continued.

     All of this was set in motion to establish a great cosmic clock that would declare humanity’s end… from the very beginning.

The man again lifted the text and pulled a ribbon he had lain between the pages as a marker, and with it flipped to another page. He then read a verse written by Isaiah.

     I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me– Declaring the end from the beginning.

Ka chek. A light mechanical sound emanated from within the room, and the man froze. But not in fright. He hadn’t heard the sound at all. The watcher had maneuvered himself to a position on the right side of the man, beyond the desk, seated on a small stack of books atop a wooden chair. He had raised his right hand into the air and tapped an unseen board which produced the mechanical sound of a cassette deck as when depressing a STOP button. In that moment the speaking man had frozen. As had the flickering flame. And the dancing shadows on the wall. Time stopped for all but the watcher. The watcher finished writing his notes and stood from the stack of books. Everything silent. He then elevated his eyes and began speaking to his own unseen audience.

The unseen audience clearly heard and saw the watcher. When he wasn’t present they frequently commented about his behavior. And initially they simply called him what he was– Watcher. But shortly he took on the nickname, Jack B. Or just Jack. Some were sure the term came from the nursery rhyme Jack Be Nimble; because the watcher’s behavior reminded them of a child. But others felt the watcher had been nicknamed after the Hollywood actor Jack Black, who often played the part of a comedic buffoon displaying the antics of a child. It might be observed that the watcher did bear an uncanny resemblance to the comedic figure, awkwardly dancing on his hind appendages, while at other times lumbering on all four, especially if baked sweets filled the air or an unseen audience loomed nearby. But whether by two or by four, our dancing Jack– be not so nimble. One might even conclude that Jack was an overgrown nursery rhyme in adult form.

Immediately after the room froze, the watcher addressed the unseen audience.

     I’m a watcher. That’s what I’m assigned to do. I watch. And record. I watch the watchers. And document. And report back. Part of my job is to remain unseen and unheard. I never intervene; well, not unless given a direct command. I’m just a watcher.

     I’ve been assigned to watch a series of humans over numerous centuries. They’re a select group of men in their own club– I call it the Order of the Orbs. That was the title of my last report. I received over two hundred bonus points for that one. This Order of the Orbs includes all of the key watchers. Joseph, son of Jacob. Daniel the prophet. Ezekiel the prophet. The Apostle John. And… Isaac Newton.

The watcher was pointing his thumb over his shoulder at the man still frozen in time.

     Sir Isaac was the sixth of seven watchers. All six watchers spent time watching the orbs. The Order of the Orbs is all about God’s great clockwork– our solar system.

The watcher was strolling about the room and at this moment in frozen time he touched his finger to the sixth orb of the model– the wooden sphere that represented Jupiter. With his touch a crackling sound was heard as the wood progressively transformed into a coconut covered pink SnoBall.® Followed by the appearance of four chocolate DingDongs® alongside. Ploop ploop ploop ploop. He continued.

     This cosmic clock is based upon a specific order. The heliocentric order of the orbs. That order is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris. A baker’s dozen– thirteen in all.

As he said these words he raised his right hand from Isaac’s wooden model of the solar system and displayed the pink orb covered in coconut, from which he extracted a hefty sample of its devilcake core. A soft muffled utterance followed from his overstuffed face like words spoken through a sponge.

     Mmmmphh. Hohh Thhts ghhhd.

Two crumbs fell from his lip corners as he eyed the ceiling and uttered more ecstasy. The watcher loved bakery. Especially cupcakes. He continued to indulge, two planets at a time just for balance. While all the room remained frozen. Then after adding a refreshing dose of warm latte to melt away the pink snow, Watcher spoke again to his unseen audience from behind his frosted lip.

     Ahhh. Coffee break.

     OK. Where were we? Oh yes. The thirteen orbs. There are 13 planets, but our man, Newt, only ever saw six.

Watcher raised an open palm to eye level.

     It would be another 50 years after Newton completed his watch before the seventh would be discovered.  And the first of the last five would not be discovered for a full century.

Watcher rippled 5 digits through the air to stress his point.

     In Newton’s search of the heavens, he was seeking clues to the second advent… the prophesied return of Jesus Christ to rule on planet Earth for one thousand years. Isaac Newton spent the last three decades of his life secretly attempting to calculate the year that God would begin His final judgment of mankind, sending interplanetary comets plummeting down to earth as instruments of punishment and destruction.

At this moment Watcher leaned against the far wall, pressing out with both palms, and shoved the wall open as he would a double barn door. Through the now wide open wall great balls of fire could be seen streaking through the sky and crashing on the valley below. Smoke arose from every direction. The distant rumble could be both heard and felt. Those unseen stood watching. Entirely mesmerized.

Watcher made an about face and continued, with the open view now to his hinder. The distant action underscoring his words.

     Newt believed our solar system was the cosmic clock that held the secrets to unraveling Bible prophecy. He also believed that He was God’s chosen vessel for deciphering this coded information.

Once again Watcher touched the wooden orbs of the model for emphasis. But this time none of the unseen noticed. All were transfixed with the view through the open wall, and all that happened there.

     Newton’s remarkable discovery of gravity was the direct result of his clandestine superquest: the quest to decipher Bible prophecy.  Newton needed to understand God’s great time piece. The solar system. Without this understanding the future of Bible prophecy could not be seen.

Watcher pivoted on one foot in a mock half pirouette and faced the open wall. He extended both arms, then folded both at the elbow, bringing both hands to his chest. Immediately the open wall followed his hands and began closing. The distant rumbles shortly dissolved out of sight. The unseen watchers forthwith turned to focus on Watcher, their view having been obstructed by his orbital form and the closing wall. Attention now acquired, Watcher repeated his words.

     Newton needed to understand God’s great time piece– the planets and their mysterious unexplained orbits around the sun.

Watcher began pushing the wooden orbs back and forth around the larger center orb and adding sound effects to the motion, wholly engrossed as with a new toy. He gazed upon the wooden contraption intently and asked three questions.

     What held these planets in place? What made them repeat their motions with perfect precision? Why didn’t they fly off into space… like rocks from a sling?

At this moment Watcher remembered the instruction from his lead minder and her encouraging words concluding his last session– “You might try reducing audience distractions by engrossing them with personal demonstrations within your presentation… Perhaps the use of a sling to demonstrate orbital dynamics.” At the time, Watcher thought that suggestion absolutely awesome.

Gazing at the wooden model, Watcher imagined this was the exact time to employ her suggestion. With the speed of thought, he instantaneously produced a leather sling in his right hand, with which he began whirling a rubber ball over his head. He had unilaterally decided that the implementation of rubber would be a better choice than stone, considering the great iniquities that might be suffered as a result of his masculine prowess. He circled the rubber sphere overhead just long enough to attain maximum velocity, his calculation being that of five orbits, before releasing the strap from his extended arm as the orbiting orb’s whistling sound reached apex. His intention therewith was to demonstrate a principle of physics: an object released from orbit will travel in a straight line. Unexpectedly the small knot at the end of said leather strap had lodged between Watcher’s fingers, therefore failing to release when Watcher opened his hand. The whirling ball thereby continued its orbit around said hand until the leather strap contacted Watcher’s forehead whereupon the rubber orb accelerated, adopting a new center of orbit– Watcher’s cranial cavity. (for the moment only partially occupied) The leather strap was just sufficient of length to afford exactly one and one quarter rotations around Watcher’s head, at which point the rubber ball made impact and reflected away from Watcher’s left cranial temporal bone, reversing rotation instantaneously and proceeding in counter rotation until wrapped entirely around the watcher’s overly curved torso. The only straight path displayed in this failed demonstration was the trajectory of words that came straight from Watcher’s mouth:

     Oowwwwww!! *&^%$#@!!!

Watcher took several seconds in frustrated squirming to extract himself from the leather squid which had become his captor. Whereupon he slammed said leviathan on Newt’s wooden floor and demonstrated a second stream of linear projectiles.


“Ding dong.” A pleasant and soft sound emanated from above before Watcher could complete his expletive. It was a reminder from the minders. Watcher, realizing the situation, immediately concocted an alternate stream of epithets.

     Hubbbbaaard!!! Mother! Hubbard! O’ Mother Hubbard! Oh Fuuu… bertygibet.

Watcher compressed his palm to the left side of his head and bent over, repeatedly tapping the toe of his right shoe into the floor. Then sank to his knees, whereupon he heard the familiar “ding dong” tone once again. Without raising his head, Watcher arrested his animation and managed a soft response.

     I said Hubbard. Mother Hubbard. And… fubertygibet.

Then an authoritative female voice emanated from above.

     Fubertygibet is not a word.

     Yeah it is. It means foolish female. Like… Mother Hubbard.

     No. That’s flibbertigibbet. I distinctly heard you say, O fuuu… bertygibet! Which is clearly another disguised form of the F-bomb. As you know, all incendiaries are prohibited.

The soft feminine voice continued.

     Accordingly, your score has been adjusted four points.

Almost immediately the floating digital scoreboard appeared overhead, lit up in digital neon presenting the numerical adjustment. Watcher did not look up, but only mimed the pounding of his head against a brick wall. The female voice concluded her intromission.

     Please continue your training.

That seemed an oddly curious command.  Was Watcher doing the training?  Or was Watcher being trained?  The watcher seemed to have entirely missed this double entendre.  He simply proceeded as instructed, gathering his thoughts scattered by the impact, and continuing his words.

     Newton believed our solar system was designed by God to be a perfect time piece that held the keys to understanding God’s declaration of the end from the beginning; His foretelling of the future as recorded in Bible prophecy.  Understanding the time piece meant understanding time… which would reveal the future.  Isaac did become the first mind to unwind God’s planetary watch.  The first to understand the driving force behind its elliptical motions.  He called that invisible driving force gravity.  But Isaac feared a far greater gravity.  He feared the end of days and the judgment of God, the prophesied year-long Day of the Lord.

With these last words Watcher rolled his eyes upward without tilting his head.  And without noticeably interrupting his narration.  Watcher was recovering (from his sling fiasco) and settled in with a less risky presentation.  Still looking upward as though expecting some interjection from above, he continued slowly:

     Newton’s cryptographic notes, thousands of pages written in his own secret code, reveal an ultimate conclusion in his quest to understand– the year 2060.  Newton came to believe that as described in the book of Revelation, Jesus Christ would complete his judgment of man and return to rule the earth for one thousand years establishing the Kingdom of God.  All culminating in the year 2060.

A sound emanated from the background overhead.  This wasn’t the familiar “ding dong” Watcher knew so well.  It was a repeating pulse of three.  One tone pulsed three times, recycling until Watcher responded.

     Upt.  Sorry.

Watcher raised his hand and tapped the unseen board.

     Gotta go.  Duty calls.  Party of 4 wandering off the path in hall 9.

The watcher began to exit the room with haste, but then abruptly came scampering back.


He began moving his hands, touching the unseen screen.

     You can watch this ’til I get back.

Watcher ejected the first video tape using the touch screen, (the tape of Isaac Newton) then began a second tape.  The floating screen displayed the text:  Tape 2– Max’s discovery.

     Be back shortly.

Watcher walked out of the showroom where Isaac was still frozen and into the main concourse, then made a sharp left.  The unseen watchers followed right behind.  But there was no doorway to exit the showroom, for there was no wall. The showroom had only three walls, being open to the concourse on the back side.  After only a few short steps down the concourse Watcher duplicated his left turn, making a second turn, and began walking toward the marblewhite wall that formed the left side of the concourse.  As he walked into the wall the unseen stopped abruptly, expecting to see Jack Not-so-Nimble plow his nose into the marble surface.  But as Jack continued walking forward, a wide portion of the white wall recessed in front of him.  As Jack walked forward the wall proceeded before him staying just one step ahead.  The wall’s retraction formed a second showroom directly adjacent to the showroom Jack and the watchers had just vacated.

Immediately inside this showroom the watchers saw and heard Max making his symposium presentation, with the watcher watching backstage.  This was Max’s first presentation near Four Corners before he had the opportunity to refine his presentation. This was where six became seven.  The 3D player playing the recording made Max’s presentation like a trip through time.  Like being there in Max’s audience.

Copyright 2019 / All rights reserved